Forest Acres is the gem of the Midlands. However, it takes strength, energy, and dedication to keep it that way. We must not be complacent and assume it will remain the same without effort.

My wife and I want Forest Acres to be the city where our three daughters choose to begin and raise their families. If I am elected, no one will work harder than me to make sure our city stays the preeminent place to live, eat, and shop in the Midlands. Of course, I need your help. I need your input and insight to keep me updated with the matters that matter to you. Let us work together to keep Forest Acres the most desirable place to live and visit. You will always be able to talk to me on my cell phone, by e-mail, or even in person if you see me around.


Our city is one of the safest communities in South Carolina. Forest Acres Police Chief Sealy set a precedent for our force, and Chief Robinson is working hard to make them even better. The response time for our officers is unheard of in the Midlands, three minutes or less! We need to continue to support our officers and help continue their efforts to keep Forest Acres safe. The numbers prove crime is down. We have seen a 75% decrease in robberies, 46% decrease in burglaries, 26% decrease in vandalism, 21% decrease in shoplifting, and 20% decrease in auto break-ins. But we can do more! Chief Robinson has instituted “roll calls.” The officers going on duty that evening will meet with some of the officers coming off their shift on your street to discuss what happened that day and anything they need to be looking at that evening. This allows our neighbors to meet our officers and the neighbors to hear about crime prevention and what they can do to help.

Smart Growth

Development is coming. We need to be responsible. Can the current infrastructure of Forest Acres handle massive growth? Are we working with developers to make sure they are doing their part to help sustain the Forest Acres we love? Is the City listening to the residents and businesses about their wants and needs? Transparency and open communication are the keys to keep our city thriving. I will work hard to make sure the residents and businesses are aware of developments and coming changes to our city.

Public Works

Have you ever seen a better public works department than Forest Acres? They take pride in their jobs and their equipment. I regularly hear of these employees going the extra mile for our citizens, and they should be commended for this! Did you know before major storms they work to ensure drains and street gutters are free of debris to help prevent flooding? I am not aware of a harder working group of employees in South Carolina that work to keep up their city. We as a city and council need to make sure we continue to recognize this department for how they contribute to the attraction of our city as an employer of hard-working people.

Small Businesses

Forest Acres is full of small, family-owned businesses, but we can always add more! I want to make sure the city is working to help and not hinder small business growth. We need to look at ways to promote entrepreneurship. We can work with current building and land owners to attract new businesses that want to grow and thrive in our vibrant city. We all love Forest Acres for the variety of restaurants and shops—let’s work hard to keep that quality.